[leish-l] Mitosis in Leishmania 3-23-04

K.P. Chang changk at mail.finchcms.edu
Tue Mar 23 23:17:12 BRT 2004

I have no publication records on Leishmania mitosis, but have observed this
event on numerous occasions for other studies by microscopy. Flagella,
flagellar pockets and kinetoplasts do seem to divide first, but I can't say if
there is any particular order for these three structures. One flagellum is
always shorter than the other. Nuclear division follows without dissolution of
nuclear envelope. Electron microscopy revealed chromatin condensation and the
presence of mitotic microtubles. Rarely, one finds anucleated or akinetoplastic
cells, which presumably result from mitotic errors or abnormality and are
thought to be non-viable.

KP Chang

genpara wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am interested in the progression of mitosis and cell division in
> Leishmania and I cannot remember where I have seen that it was not the same
> as in African tryps. You know, the old querella about "kinetoplast dividing
> first ? or nucleus first ?". There are loads of articles about brucei but
> it sems less clear about Leishmania. Obviously, Larry (Simpson) has
> analyzed the subject in details (e.g. Simpson & Kretzer 1997) and may be
> able to answer. But it is often said that "division of the kinetoplast
> occurs prior to nuclear division in MOST cells" : does that mean that in
> some cells, it does not ? and that these cells appear as having two nuclei
> and one kinetoplast ? In this case, are these cells "normal" or are they
> experiencing some trouble of their division (hence might not be viable ?).
> Has anybody seen enough divisions under the microscope to be sure of how it
> goes ?
> Unless there are detailed publications on the subject that have escaped my
> attention ?
> Many thanks for any info.
> Best wishes
> Patrick Bastien
> UMR5093 CNRS/Universit? Montpellier I
> "Biologie Mol?culaire et G?nome des Protozoaires Parasites"
> Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie
> 163 Rue Auguste Broussonet
> 34090 Montpellier
> France
> Tel: +33 (0)467 63 55 13 or 27 51
> Fax: +33 (0)467 63 00 49
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