[Tropmed-l] LV patiente 92y old

Tomas Agustin Orduna torduna at intramed.net
Tue Apr 10 22:39:05 BRT 2012

Hello Giovanni: My experience with LV is at the moment very little, but I am thinking about the treatment to him. I think it is important not to put at risk with some risky drugs this old patient and try to be very cautious. I prefer Anfo liposomal with a close control of laboratory parameters (specially renal funtion)

Please tell us about the outcome !

Best regards

Dr. Tomás A. Orduna
Jefe de Servicio
Patologías Regionales y Medicina Tropical (CEMPRA-MT)
Hospital de Infecciosas F. J. Muñiz
Uspallata 2272 (C.P. 1282)
Buenos Aires - Argentina
T.E.:(54-11) 4305-3161
T.E.:Conmutador:(+54-11) 4305-0357/1944(int.231)
Fax: (+54-11) 4304-2386
torduna at intramed.net<mailto:torduna at intramed.net>

PS: In 1997 I had the great opportunity to know your hopsital and to learn about dengue with Dra Ana Maria Acevedo before we have the first outbreak in Argentina. I remember that time with an special acknowledgment.

De: tropmed-l-bounces at lineu.icb.usp.br [tropmed-l-bounces at lineu.icb.usp.br] en nombre de Kleber Luz [klebergluz at gmail.com]
Enviado el: lunes, 09 de abril de 2012 22:11
Para: tropmed-L at lineu.icb.usp.br
Asunto: [Tropmed-l] LV patiente 92y old

Hello every body! Today i had done a diagnose of VL in a patient 92 y old, test fast test was positive and the bone marrow aspireted was positive with a lot of leishmanias. Does anyone had a patient like this. He was HIV negative.

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CEP 59037-170
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