[Tropmed-l] LV patiente 92y old

Kleber Luz klebergluz at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 22:11:06 BRT 2012

Hello every body! Today i had done a diagnose of VL in a patient 92 y old,
test fast test was positive and the bone marrow aspireted was positive with
a lot of leishmanias. Does anyone had a patient like this. He was HIV

Prof.Adjunto III -  Kleber Giovanni Luz - DEPARTAMENTO DE
Rua Cônego Monte, 110 - QUINTAS
CEP 59037-170
*FONE (FAX): (84) - 3215-1603
FONE: (84) - 3232-7948
CEL: (84) - 9193 - 6208*
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