[Leish-l] Global Sand Fly Colony Database

Lawyer, Phillip (NIH/NIAID) [E] PhillipL at niaid.nih.gov
Mon Dec 15 17:57:13 BRST 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Once again I am updating the Global Sand Fly Colony Database and having the website reformatted to make it a more accessible and useful resource for sand fly workers.  Your assistance is requested.

If you maintain phlebotomine sand fly colonies, it would be very much appreciated if you could provide the following information for the database:

1.  Institutional address
2.  Current contact information of responsible scientists (phone, fax, mailing address,  email address)
3. Species/strains of sand flies in colony.
4.  Site of origin (locality and country)
5.  Approximate number of generations in colony (or number of years)
6.  Larval diet
7.  Adult diet (blood-meal sources)
8.  Rearing conditions including temperature, relative humidity and light:dark cycle
9.  Research interests and pertinent publications

If you know of other laboratories that maintain sand fly colonies in your country or region, please forward this request or send the pertinent contact information to me.

I hope to have this database updated and reformatted by early 2015 so that it can be available and easily accessible online.

With sincere thanks,

Phillip G. Lawyer, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases
Bethesda, MD 20892 USA

Phone: 240-687-2767; 301-570-0823
Fax: (301) 480-3708
E-mail: plawyer at mail.nih.gov<mailto:plawyer at mail.nih.gov>  or phillip.g.lawyer.vol at mail.mil<mailto:phillip.g.lawyer.vol at mail.mil>

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