photographies of sandflies

Carlos Brisola Marcondes cbrisola at
Mon Jul 20 10:48:53 BRT 1998

Dear all,
we are developing an educative work in a reserve in the Island of Santa
Catarina, in which we are developing an enquiry of sanflies and mosquitoes.
As a part of this, we prepared a folder to people, exposing some
informations on haematophagous Diptera in the reserve.
   We would like to include in this folder one photography of a sandfly and
one of a mosquito.
   I would greatly appreciate if some colleague could give me such photos,
authorizing its use in this folder. Any help will be recognized in the folder.
   These photos could be sent by post or, after scanning, by the net.


prof. dr. Carlos Brisola Marcondes
Depto Microb. Paras./CCB
UFSC- Campus Trindade
88040-900 Florianópolis (SC)

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