sandfly facts

Peter Vickerman peter.vickerman at
Tue Feb 27 09:13:31 BRT 1996

hello everyone, at the moment I am looking at a mathematical model of
sandfly dynamaics in Leishmaniasis infection. I am looking for data on
sandfly lifespans, infection progression in sandflys(i.e. how long
does an infection in a fly take to get to the stage where the fly is
infectious)  and information on the biting behaiour of individual flys
(i.e. how often do sandflys need to bite). I'm not looking for exact
values because I know that these values vary hugely but it would be
good to get some rough orders . It would also be useful to know if
they vary significantly between new and old world and if there are any
other  heterogeneities. I would be very grateful if anyone can point me
towards relevent papers or if anyone can give me ideas over the
values.I have heard roughly that flys live a number of weeks, they 
go through one cycle in about a week and that the time
till infectiousness is a fair number of days.are these values about
the right order? i'm not sure because i haven't really been working on
sandflys much and if they are about right then i have no papers to
back them up. 
Thanks alot peter

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