[Tropmed-l] amazing meeting

Carlos Costa chncosta at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 09:11:53 BRT 2012

Dear all,

Just to tell about the 1st Luso-Brazilian Meeting of Tropical Medicine
History. This amazing meeting is held at the Institute of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine of the Lisbon New University as part of the celebration
of the 110 years of the Institute.

The meeting was open by the Director Paulo Ferrinho. Paulo Gadelha of
Fiocruz, Brazil, was present. We had an excellent speech by Isabel Amaral
on the history of the Institute and of Tropical Medicine in Portugal and
colonies. She offered excellent informations and gave us a chance to think
a bit about the complex and plural meanings of Tropical Medicine, such as
the colonial view versus the tropical experience and understanding, the
broadness of the theme, essentially multidisciplinary, and several other

Afterwards we had the guided visit to the exposition "110 years of History
of Tropical Medicine - Luís Marto and the preservation of the patrimony".
Truly, a show. Congratulations to our Portuguese brothers.

In the interval I met Helena Agostinho, from the Angolan Society of
Tropical Medicine and from the Agostinho Neto University, to my knowledge
the youngest Tropical Medicine society in the world. The creation of this
society is an excellent example to be followed by other African and
tropical countries.

For more information please go to the website the meeting
http://encontrolb.ihmt.unl.pt/ or the institute http://www.ihmt.unl.pt/

Well, now is time for an excellent Portuguese cod fish!


Carlos H. N. Costa, MD, DSc.
Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
(Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine)

Universidade Federal do Piauí
Instituto de Doenças Tropicais Natan Portella
Rua Artur de Vasconcelos 151-Sul
64001-450 Teresina-PI
Telephones: +55 86 3222-4377 (W),
+55 86 3221-3062 (W),
+55 86 3237-1075 (R).

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