Odair Genaro genaro at
Mon Feb 12 09:57:54 BRT 1996

Marisa, em situacoes como esta de sua paciente com leishmaniose e 
contra-indicacao ao glucantime, posso sugerir que tente a imunoterapia como 
tratamento. Temos tratado inumeros pacientes com uma vacina contra 
leishmaniose tegumentar desenvolvida pelo grupo do Prof. Mayrink, onde 
havia contra-indicacao ao glucantime, inclusive associando ao glucantime 
em paciente HIV positivos com LTA com resultados excelentes. Se voce se 
interessar posso dar maiores detalhes.
Abracos, Genaro

*Odair Genaro
*Associate Professor
*Department of Parasitology
*Research Interest: Leishmaniasis
*tel. 55 31 448-1213
*fax 55 31 441-6909
*email: genaro at

On Thu, 8 Feb 1996 MMATTOS at wrote:

> Hello colleagues,
> I am having a clinical problem with an old woman with mucosal leishmaniasis.
> She is anuric and is on haemodialysis program three times a week. I have
> already looked for some information about the removal of antimony (Glucantime)
> by dialysis but I didn't find anything. Them I remebered my net partners...!
> Would someone know  where I can get this information? I would be very pleased.Thank you all. 
>              MMarise
>               M

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