Info request on Kala-Azar

Robert Etges Robert.Etges at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
Mon May 22 14:08:04 BRT 1995

Dipsticks for Leishmania specific antibody detection:  I conducted several
trials in Bangladesh several years ago in the lab of Dr Shahjada Chowdhury at
the IEDC&R in Dhaka, using a kit developed by Dr. Clement Bordier, at Biokema
SA, Chatanerie 2, CH-1023 Crissier, Switzerland.  This was part of a comparison
of the dipsticks with DAT and latex bead agglutination.  Unfortunately, Dr
Bordier is not among teh users of Internet, so a letter will have to suffice!
Robert Etges (etges at

used[D the IEDC&R in Dhaka.  I wntsdonducedsiantibn

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