Section Moderators

-Jeffrey Jon Shaw jeffrey at
Thu Aug 18 22:22:00 BRT 1994

Dear Subscriber,
On 18th August 1994 there were 116 of us! Practically half subscribed from 
July onwards. Significant! Holdidays and nothing to do?
We now have moderators for the following ILN sections:-
1. Who's Who in leishmaniasis:
United Kingdom - Debbie Smith <d.smith at>
U.S.A. - Richard Kenney <rkenney at>
Brazil - Jeffrey Shaw <jeffrey at>
We need volunteers to prepare similar lists for other countries.
If you are interested please contact me directly at bdt.
2. Treatment: Reynaldo Dietze <rdietze at>
3. Control: Mariza Lacerda <mariza at>
4. Genome: Steve Beverely <sbeverle at>
5. Taxonomy & Strain codes: Jeffrey Shaw <jeffrey at>
Below is a list of some subjects that we need moderators for:
epidemiology (by country or region), available reagents,
cryobanks, standards for characterization (biological;
immunological; biochemical, enzymes); diagnostic methods;
clinical data requirements visceral; cutaneous drug resistance
surveillance data; Immunology; Host resistance.
This list is not meant to be comprehensive and if there is an
area that you would like to moderate which is not mentioned
please let me know.
Sidnei and Dora have put up ILN on WEB at bdt. Have a look at it
if you can and send any comments to directly to Sidnei/Dora. The
idea of WEB is that we will be able to use graphics which you
cannot do with GOPHER.
Looking forward to hearing from you
With best wishes

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