About The WHO Gopher

Lois Blaine lblaine at helix.nih.gov
Wed Aug 18 10:16:52 BRT 1993

Hi Jeffrey,
Glad to hear from you again.  Very glad you got the money from Welcome to
get you started.  Even though it's not a great deal of money it will help to
encourage others to join in.  I'll try to organize my files and get messages
to all on the "interested" list to let them know about the network and
listserver.  I'm still receiving a few letters from people who have heard 
about the project.
In September I'll be going to Nairobi and hope to meet with UNEP in hopes of
getting a little help from them and expanding the project to African
leishmaniasis researchers.   Do you have any colleagues in Nairobi?
If you'll be home for awhile we can continue to plug away at this network until
we have a more substantive information set.
Best wishes,

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