[Tropmed-l] tropical vs neglected

Carlos Costa chncosta at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 12:09:17 BRT 2012

Dear all,

The first guys to use the term neglected diseases were the Dutch Veeken H,
Pécoul B, from MSF, in the year 2000.

The abstract of their paper follows:

Neglected diseases are diseases restricted to poor areas; diseases for which
there exist no commercial incentives to invest in the development of new
treatments. Patients suffering from these diseases often have no access to
essential drugs; this can be a matter of life and death. Lack of research
patent protection play a crucial role. Both are cost driven; greed in the
curtails the availability of life-saving drugs for all. Treatment options
trypanosomiasis and visceral leishmaniasis are lacking. It is recommended
drugs for the treatment of 'neglected diseases' be developed via a
public approach that is not based on profit, rather than leaving it to free

They did a good shot. Afterwards, many others also started to repeat,
including WHO and even the Brazilian Ministry of Health. However, I
wonder if tropical peoples neglect their own diseases. If not, the
term may better used by "developed" peoples while the term "tropical"
should be

preferred by "developing/tropical" peoples.

Good topic for sharing ideas, for a relaxed discussion.


Carlos H. N. Costa, MD, DSc.
Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
(Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine)

Universidade Federal do Piauí
Instituto de Doenças Tropicais Natan Portella
Rua Artur de Vasconcelos 151-Sul
64001-450 Teresina-PI
Telephones: +55 86 3222-4377 (W),
+55 86 3221-3062 (W),
+55 86 3237-1075 (R).

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