[Tropmed-l] Fwd: Rv: Leishmaniasis country profiles and estimates

Carlos Costa chncosta at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 13:07:48 BRT 2012

this is an excellent and obligatory reading for most of the leishmaniacs.
congratulations to the authors!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ivan Dario Velez <idvelez em pecet-colombia.org>
Date: 2012/6/1
Subject: Rv: Leishmaniasis country profiles and estimates
To: Alves FAbiana <falves em dndi.org>, Modabber Farrokh <fmodabber em dndi.org>,
Carn Gwenaelle <gcarn em dndi.org>, "Elkhoury Dra. Ana Nilce Silveira (AFT)" <
aelkhoury em panaftosa.ops-oms.org>, Feliciangeli Dora Maria <bmsave em yahoo.com>,
"Tapia Felix J." <felix.tapia em gmail.com>, Mendoza-León Alexis <
amendoza50 em gmail.com>, "romgustavo em gmail.com" <romgustavo em gmail.com>,
Zúniga Valeriano concepcion <concepcionzuniga em gmail.com>, Costa Carlos <
chncosta em gmail.com>, Nannetti Felipe Guhl <fguhl em uniandes.edu.co>,
"Nicholls Dr. Ruben Santiago (WDC)" <nichollr em paho.org>


Iván Darío Vélez B

  ----- Mensaje reenviado -----
*De:* "ALVAR EZQUERRA, Jorge Pablo" <alvarj em who.int>
*Enviado:* Jueves 31 de Mayo de 2012 17:21
*Asunto:* Leishmaniasis country profiles and estimates

 Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce that the paper "Leishmaniasis worldwide and
estimates of its incidence" is now published in PLoS-One and in the WHO web
page. 98 countries and 3 territories have been found endemicWe consider
that this attempt to give more accurated epidemiological information has
many limitations but if the countries empower the challenge, it will be an
excellent platform to improve the data:


Kind regards,

Jorge Alvar
Leishmaniasis Control Program

Carlos H. N. Costa, MD, DSc.
Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
(Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine)

Universidade Federal do Piauí
Instituto de Doenças Tropicais Natan Portella
Rua Artur de Vasconcelos 151-Sul
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