The millennium bug

Jeffrey Shaw jshaw at
Tue Sep 14 10:11:31 BRT 1999

Dear Friends,

As we enter into the next millennium its conceivable that those less
familiar with the history of strains and their isolation could be confused
by the two figure system that we presently use to denote the year of
isolation in the International Code. This can be corrected very easily by
us not being lazy and entering 4 digits for the year instead of the
recommended two!

Thus the code for the reference strain of Leishmania(Leishmania)enriettii
which is presently MCAV/BR/45/L88 will be MCAV/BR/1945/L88.

With best wishes 

Jeffrey Shaw

Relevant references to the code:

Ashford RW, Ayele T, Behin R, Bryceson ADM, de Raadt P, Killick-Kendrick R,
Marinkelle CJ, Restrepo M, Rioux JA, Saf'janova VM, Sampaio RN, Sanyal RK,
Schnur LF, Shaw JJ, Young DG, Zahar AR 1984. The Leishmaniases - Report of
a WHO Expert Committee. Wld Hlth Org Techn Rep Ser 701: 1-140.

Ashford RW, Belazzoug S, Killick-Kendrick R, Neronov V, Qubain S, Rioux JA,
Schlein Y, Sergiev V, Thakur CP, Walton BC, Were JB, Young DG 1990. Control
of the leishmaniases - Report of a WHO Expert Committee. Wld Hlth Org Techn
Rep Ser 793: 1-158.

Shaw JJ 1984. International Code System for the designation of mammalian
reservoir hosts and sandfly vectors of the Leishmaniases. WHO document
WHO/LEISH 8417: 1-8.

Shaw JJ  1987. Appendix I codes for hosts of Leishmania, p.465-472. In: W
Peters, R Killick-Kendrick, eds., The Leishmaniases in Biology and
Medicine: Volume I Biology and Epidemiology., , Academic Press Inc, London.

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