Leishdb version3 release

Martin Aslett aslett at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Apr 17 08:19:04 BRT 1998


Release 3 of the Leishmania Genome Network database Leishdb is now
avaialable by anonymous ftp at the following address :-


in the directory  /pub/databases/parasites/Leish/version3/

The database uses the software Acedb which is freely available by ftp and
can be run on Unix, Macintosh and Windows95/NT machines.

This directory contains a file README.Leishdb.ver3 which contains full
details of how to download and install both the Acedb software and the
Leishdb data.

It should be noted that, whereas the release of version 2 included update
files allowing upgrade from version 1 to version 2 without downloading the
entire data set, the change in the data between versions 2 and 3 is so
great that the entire data set needs to be downloaded (this doesn't mean
the software must be reinstalled, although it is always recommended that
the most recent version of the Acedb software for your machine be used).


Martin Aslett (aslett at ebi.ac.uk),
Parasite Genome Database Co-ordinator,
Hinxton, Cambridge,

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