distance learning - infectious diseases

Jeffrey Shaw jshaw at bdt.org.br
Thu May 1 19:15:09 BRT 1997

>The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is planning a new 
>distance learning MSc course / postgraduate diploma in Infectious 
>Diseases, starting in March 1998.  It will include parasitology in 
>the basic module and further opportunities to study parasitology, 
>chemotherapy,  immunology,  vector control, etc. will be offered, 
>as well as further epidemiology, health economics, management, policy 
>formulation,  anthropology, etc. 
>We are also offering a MSc/ PG diploma course in Health Systems 
>Management and hope to offer a course in Epidemiology by 1999. 
>Check the website of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 
>at www.lshtm.ac.uk.  
>Further information on the distance learning course can be obtained 
>by writing to First Enquiries Office, Senate House, University of 
>London, WC1E 7HU, UK.  Or check the University of London's web site 
>at www.lon.ac.uk/external.
>Best wishes to all parasitologists!
>Susan Foster
>Distance Learning Coordinator
>London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
>Keppel Street
>London WC1E 7HT, UK
>tel 44-(0)171-927-2359
>fax 44-(0)171-637-5391
>email s.foster at lshtm.ac.uk
_________________________________________________________________________ Professor Jeffrey Shaw           
Postal Address:             Phone: 55-61-988-4573
Caixa Postal 10529,         Fax/Phone:55-91-226-6997 
71620-980 Brasilia, DF.     Belem Laboratory (IEC):55-91-211-4412

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