A functional genomics database for Leishmania

ja255 at hermes.cam.ac.uk ja255 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 1 05:12:54 BRST 1997

At 15:07 9/02/00 -0200, you wrote:


Mira si nos conviene contestar.


>Dear Colleagues,
>re: Functional genomics database for Leishmania
>I'd like to extend my thanks to those of you who have already sent
>letters supporting our applications; some of the suggestions provided
>were also particularly helpful.  
>Can I take this opportunity to remind the others that it is not too late
>to fax or send an attachment by email? The application leaves Cambridge
>on Friday morning (UK time)!
>If you have been away from the lab and haven't picked up this email in
>time, it's not too late, as we can add the letter to the full
>application in a couple of month's time, if we get past the
>pre-application stage successfully.
>Many thanks again,
>Al Ivens
>Sanger Centre
>Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
>Cambs. CB10 1SA
>Tel -44-1223- 49 49 55 (Office: E2-04), 49 49 54 (Lab: E2-08)
>Fax -44-1223- 49 49 19
>Email: alicat at sanger.ac.uk
>User Web page: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Users/alicat
>Research pages:

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