drug responses

Dr D. Hart udli082 at hazel.cc.kcl.ac.uk
Tue Jan 16 14:25:31 BRST 1996

>hello everyone,
>I am writing because I have just started to do some work on drug
>treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis in humans. I am trying to find
>some papers that look into the dose response killing rate of
>antimonial drugs. The data can be either from vitro or vivo
>experiments. I would be very greatful for any general information or
>possible authors and papers.
>Thanks alot, Peter.

A Ph D student of mine Sveta Mayer completed her Thesis on antimonial
suseptibility and resistence in CL & VL species and is in the process of
publishing some of  her findings.
We would be pleased to supply you with a copy of  her thesis and draft
manuscripts to help you get started.
Good luck!

Dr David Thomas Hart
Parasitology,  Immunology and Biochemistry Research Group
Division of  Life Sciences
King's College London
Campden Hill Road,  London W8 7AH, England, U.K.
E Mail...david.hart at kcl.ac.uk

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