
Jeffrey Jon Shaw jeffrey at
Tue Feb 15 17:41:05 BRST 1994

Dear Colleague,
I am pleased to tell you that the number of subscribers to the
Leishmanial listserver has now reached a level that it seems
worthwhile that we begin to open up the discussion on the
structure and contents of the Network. I hope that you have had
a chance to look at the preliminary skeleton of the Network via
your Gopher server.
One of the major questions is what databases should be included
and who will prepare them. Recently I had a concerned Email
from a friend who was worried about duplication of effort. This
is something which we must avoid at all costs. Time is very
precious to all of us and there is no sense in repeating what
somebody else has begun. With this in mind it would be most
useful if those of you who have databases available would let
us know what they are. The other point is that some people
might have databases or are thinking of preparing them. A major
question is are they for your own use of for everybody to use?
If they are just for you then they don't enter into the
Networks field of interest. However, if they are for general
consultations then they can be put up on the Network for
everybody to use and periodically the groups responsible for
the databases can update them whenever they think it is
Who's Who Lists.
We, in Brazil, are preparing a list of the workers whom we know
are interested in leishmaniasis and feel that it is important
that similar lists are prepared by fellow colleagues in other
countries. If you are prepared to do this would you let us know
via the listserver. Names can then be sent to you by others who
may know of groups or individuals who are interested in
leishmaniasis and would possibly be interested in the Network.
Lastly would you please send me (JJS) email addresses of
anybody who you think should join the network.
News from Brazil:
Last year a Leishmaniasis Workshop was convened in the city of
Recife which was organized by Sinval Brandao, Centro de
Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhaes, FIOCRUZ, Recife. There was much
interesting discussion and a summary of this will be circulated
later. One of the unusual features of the meeting was that the
participants were composed of more or less 50/50 research
scientists/public health workers. An announcement was made
about the International leishmanial Listserver and Network and
their underlying philosophies. Great interest was shown but two
things were very clear. Firstly there was a general lack of
knowledge about Internet and Email and secondly those who did
know about it were all research workers. I think this clearly
shows that  a special effort needs to be made to get
individuals working in local public health organization into
electronic Internet mailing and encourage them to participate
Listserver and Network. Otherwise it looks as though we could
turn into a group of research workers just talking to each
other without appreciating the real problems at the field
level. It was emphasized at the Workshop that there is a
necessity for integrated research programmes that are directly
related to investigating the efficiency and improving control
measures presently being used in the field. 
In 6-11 March 1994 the 30th Annual meeting of the Brazilian
Society of Tropical Medicine will be held in Salvador Bahia and
leishmaniasis is scheduled to be discussed in its different
aspects and is a topic in its own right.   
Please send your comments to Leish-L directly so that everybody
can read them and discuss them collectively. The Listserver and
Network are meant to be serious platforms of discussion and
information and we are confident that everybody will keep this
in mind when making any contribution.
With best wishes
Jeffrey Shaw
Fax 55-91-226-6997
Tel 55-91-226-8631
Email jeffrey at

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